Thursday, March 11, 2010

The last six weeks of my life have been pretty colorful actually. Since me, my husband, two year old daughter, and yellow lab moved down to Florida in January, we have been making quite a few adjustments. We have both started new jobs, my husband's is unfortunately third shift, so we are getting used to that, although I'm not sure if you ever really do. I am meeting new people and trying to get my little one involved in some local activities that get us out into the neighborhood, and we are trying to potty train. This has been harder than moving 1200 miles, believe it or not. I have eased up a little, since I am convinced that she is not ready yet, and when she is she will let me know. She is just two and a half, so there is no real sense of urgency, however, Mommy is sick of diapers! There is not just one particular thing about them I dislike, it is everything. They are expensive, can be very stinky sometimes, bulky, and I have been using them since September 17, 2007. So let's do a little math here. In her infancy stage she would go through about 12 diapers a day, then after a year or so to 7 diapers per day. So within the first year that is 4380 diapers, and there after is 3832.5. For a grand total, give or take a few, of 8212.5 diapers! I would love to see that many diapers stacked up right now and then show them to a person that doesn't think it is difficult to take care of and raise a child. Ha, would they be surprised. Well, I guess we'll have to wait and see how many more will be added to that list until Keira is ready to go potty like a big girl. Any suggestions??

1 comment:

  1. Yes, and just think of the pile of diapers in the landfill if you multiply out the population in diapers! That would really shake people up.
