Friday, March 5, 2010

Before I cam back to school I was very content with my life. I have a wonderful, loving husband and a beautiful, smart daughter, and they are my glue, my sunshine, my universe. However, it did bother me that even though I have these priceless treasures in my life, there was something still missing; I was lacking direction, lacking a goal for myself. After the course of some time, it was still bothering me more and more, so I decided I wasn't going to sulk about it anymore, but find my passion and follow it, and I knew that with the support of my family, it would all be possible. I had noticed that for the past few years I was reading a lot about nutrition and fitness, I was buying more colorful and health conscious food, and taking care of my body, as well as making sure my husband and daughter were doing the same. Then one day, it was as though a light bulb had lit up over my head and it finally clicked that my direction and future would be in the field of nutrition. After I made that final decision, it really snowballed and within 2 weeks I had started my college career with Kaplan University. The online courses are so convenient for my life, since I am home with my daughter during the day, and work at night. I am able to stay with my little one, all the while I am getting my education. My husband and daughter have been very supportive of my dream to become a dietician, and after receiving my Bachelor's degree with Kaplan, I plan to pursue a Master's degree as well. Becoming a student again has really given me so much confidence. The saying "knowledge is power" has resonated with me and proved to be so true. Even though I was happy being a wife and mother to my family, I feel as though applying a college education to that, has made me a better wife and mother to my family. I'm not sure why that is, but when I do get stressed out about juggling family, school, and work, I try to remember why I am doing this and how amazing it will be to see my name on a degree that I earned some day.

1 comment:

  1. I am proud of you for signing up. I have taken classes at the community college but never could get past the money and figure out what i wanted to do. My kids are 20 and 17 and i figure it is time for me to move up and do what i love to do. It has been a challange but it is worth it, and love the fact that i seem smarter the older i get LOL!!! It also shows my kids you are never too old but please do it while you are young. My mom had no money with 3 kids and so i never felt i could do it. Know now that i probably could just needed the support for someone to say it was okay. You are lucky like me to have a great husband for support. I believe in you so good luck
