Thursday, April 1, 2010

Now that my paper is almost done it feels like taking that first breath of fresh air after swimming under water. It was a long and time-consuming process that I never thought I would finally tie together. Between work, being a mom and wife, and of course a student, I wasn't sure how I could find the time to really do my best without having to sacrifice time elsewhere to complete it. Well, I did have to sacrifice a few things to get the job done, but I am really very happy and I feel very accomplished in my work and efforts. That is the best part of the whole experience; reading the final product and kind of looking back on everything it took to create this final product. All the stress and anxiety over time, losing my patience, and having those mental blocks because I wasn't sure if I was heading in the right direction. Then of course revising, adding and taking away of certain passages and spending several hours researching and cross checking my results. Yeah, I'm glad that it is over. Something that came a lot easier to me this term was implementing APA in the paper. This is my fourth term with Kaplan and I have written 5 papers and lots of discussion posts that have given me the practice and the confidence to apply this format to my work. Boy oh boy, I thought this day would never come!

Thursday, March 25, 2010

I have considered continuing this blog after the course is complete, but I guess I have mixed feelings about it. I love writing and I especially love to write creatively, however, I'm not sure if a public journal is what is right for me. I have many journals and there is a lot of comfort in knowing that it is for my viewing only. Yet, the only way I would continue to blog would be to write things that I know others could see at anytime. So, this would probably relate to poetry or something humorous that I could get other people to relate. I recently saw the movie "Julie and Julia" and I thought it was a terrific movie (based on reality) with a great concept. This woman Julie blogs her way through Julia Child's first real cookbook that was based on teaching Americans the art of French cooking. Julie cooked every recipe in the book in 365 days and by the time she was finished her blog was extremely popular, and then finally she was offered a book deal on the whole experience. I really enjoyed the movie, but I haven't read the book. So, all in all, the only way I would continue blogging is if I knew that I was doing something special with it that would touch the lives of others.

Monday, March 22, 2010

I have learned so many interesting and amazing facts while doing research for my paper. For anyone that doesn't know, I am doing my research paper on the effects of cigarette smoking on the absorption of vitamin C, the immune system, and the growth of cancerous cells. However, the most amazing thing that I learned throughout all the websites and books I have looked into is that people still continue to smoke regardless. A cigarette is probably less than a centimeter in diameter and usually about 4 inches in length. How is it possible that something so small can hold such control over a person physically, mentally, and emotionally. I'm sure we've all heard smokers around us say, "I'm so stressed out, I need a cigarette." I don't think that it is the stress that is really getting to them, but the combination of the stress and the symptoms that exist and present themselves when a nicotine craving starts to effect the body. Then the smoker tends to feel relief and because of that, the pattern takes place in that person's psyche that anytime they are stressed, the cigarette will calm everything and make it ok again. NOT! Smoking increases the heart rate and blood pressure, while also infusing the blood with carbon monoxide, cyanide, and several other toxins that are extremely harmful to the body. Once a person makes the decision to quit and put that stinky, obsessive, expensive, and deadly habit behind them there is truly a sense of freedom. You can breathe again! You can achieve things that you couldn't before like go to the movies without needing to excuse yourself for a few puffs, you can finally save up for that vacation you have been putting off for years, and you can probably live 20 years longer than what you would have had you kept smoking. Not to mention, you have also saved your family, which is beyond priceless.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

The last six weeks of my life have been pretty colorful actually. Since me, my husband, two year old daughter, and yellow lab moved down to Florida in January, we have been making quite a few adjustments. We have both started new jobs, my husband's is unfortunately third shift, so we are getting used to that, although I'm not sure if you ever really do. I am meeting new people and trying to get my little one involved in some local activities that get us out into the neighborhood, and we are trying to potty train. This has been harder than moving 1200 miles, believe it or not. I have eased up a little, since I am convinced that she is not ready yet, and when she is she will let me know. She is just two and a half, so there is no real sense of urgency, however, Mommy is sick of diapers! There is not just one particular thing about them I dislike, it is everything. They are expensive, can be very stinky sometimes, bulky, and I have been using them since September 17, 2007. So let's do a little math here. In her infancy stage she would go through about 12 diapers a day, then after a year or so to 7 diapers per day. So within the first year that is 4380 diapers, and there after is 3832.5. For a grand total, give or take a few, of 8212.5 diapers! I would love to see that many diapers stacked up right now and then show them to a person that doesn't think it is difficult to take care of and raise a child. Ha, would they be surprised. Well, I guess we'll have to wait and see how many more will be added to that list until Keira is ready to go potty like a big girl. Any suggestions??

Friday, March 5, 2010

Before I cam back to school I was very content with my life. I have a wonderful, loving husband and a beautiful, smart daughter, and they are my glue, my sunshine, my universe. However, it did bother me that even though I have these priceless treasures in my life, there was something still missing; I was lacking direction, lacking a goal for myself. After the course of some time, it was still bothering me more and more, so I decided I wasn't going to sulk about it anymore, but find my passion and follow it, and I knew that with the support of my family, it would all be possible. I had noticed that for the past few years I was reading a lot about nutrition and fitness, I was buying more colorful and health conscious food, and taking care of my body, as well as making sure my husband and daughter were doing the same. Then one day, it was as though a light bulb had lit up over my head and it finally clicked that my direction and future would be in the field of nutrition. After I made that final decision, it really snowballed and within 2 weeks I had started my college career with Kaplan University. The online courses are so convenient for my life, since I am home with my daughter during the day, and work at night. I am able to stay with my little one, all the while I am getting my education. My husband and daughter have been very supportive of my dream to become a dietician, and after receiving my Bachelor's degree with Kaplan, I plan to pursue a Master's degree as well. Becoming a student again has really given me so much confidence. The saying "knowledge is power" has resonated with me and proved to be so true. Even though I was happy being a wife and mother to my family, I feel as though applying a college education to that, has made me a better wife and mother to my family. I'm not sure why that is, but when I do get stressed out about juggling family, school, and work, I try to remember why I am doing this and how amazing it will be to see my name on a degree that I earned some day.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Writing has been a great past-time for me starting at a young age. I started to read when I was three years old and found that reading was a very relaxing hobby and outlet for my imagination, whether it was Dr. Seuss or R.L. Stine. When I became about 12 years old I would start to write little poems and journal here and there. By the time I was 13 I was writing in my journal everyday and was beginning to expand on my poetry into short stories, and even illustrations. By the time I was 22 I had 12 journals, in which I refer to as the Encyclopedia of My Life. I had a lot of problems with my family growing up and writing became a very therapeutic outlet for myself, and for only my eyes to see. However, it would have made a big difference in my writing if I thought that someone may find it and read my deepest darkest feelings on life, family, and relationships. Consequently, this ritual carried me through Junior High and High School and I think it made English class a little easier, since writing and reading was something I was doing anyway in my own personal time. Writing poetry and short stories came a little easier to me because I wasn't burdened by it, or ashamed of it, I was very acclimated to putting feelings on paper, and now that I have started blogging this term, and I'm kind of feeling the same way. That being said, if by some chance someone came across my works as a writer, and tried to pass it off as their own, I would be furious. At some small level I would be slightly flattered that someone thought so highly of my writing that they would want to use it, but kindly making reference to me for my work would be absolutely necessary. That makes me realize how important it is to do the same for other works written by other writers. Even for someone who enjoys writing, there is still considerable time and effort that is put forth to compile great written work, and credit for this is more than appropriate. I'm looking forward to writing more in this class and writing my research paper, with of course providing credit and reference where and when it is adequate. Even though I do greatly enjoy writing, I know there is still so much for me to learn.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Thank God I'm an online student! My husband works for the local carpenter's union in our area, which is based out of Orlando, Florida. We live just over an hour away on the east coast in a town called Satellite Beach. Anyway, he has been out of work for a while and waiting to get that magical call that a new job is starting, and we are so happy that he did get that call. However, I must admit that I am more than a little disappointed that this is for a third shift job. He will be working at Disney changing the sets and trailers, and this is really a great opportunity to stay working for an extensive period of time when so many others are not as fortunate. Believe me, we are so grateful for this blessing! It's work, and no matter what, we will do what we must to take care of business, we do have a family after all. I am feeling kind of sad because of the little things that end up meaning more to you when you may not have them anymore, such as, I will have to sleep alone at night, and he will be sleeping all day. I am sad that we are not going to have barely any quality time together since I work Friday and Saturdays from 3pm-2am the following morning as a server in a busy pub downtown, and those are his two days off. Usually, after we put the baby to bed we'll cuddle up on the couch and watch a good movie, which how can I do that without him? Well, in the middle of my griping I realized how grateful I am to be an online student. With so many changes occurring in my daily schedule and me and my husband having to make all of these adjustments, we are so fortunate that I can still receive a quality education from the comfort of my home while I am doing laundry, planning dinner, and changing diapers. While I feel like I am giving up on some meaningful aspects of my life right now, I can still go to school, which means so much to me and the future of my family. So, all in all, we've got some changes that we are going through as a couple and as a family, but we are both working, we love each other very much, and thank God I am an online student!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Life for me is blessed and hectic at the same time if that makes any sense. I have such passion for life and have overcome so many obstacles, and not only is it due to the fact that I cannot accept "no" as a final answer, but I have the ever supportive love of my family. I work very hard to take care of my family and make sure they have all that they need and make them happy. I tend to wake up tired, and take on too much, but it is a price worth paying to have a successful end result. I love to exercise because it makes me feel great, helps me clear my head, and allows me to have that extra helping of mashed potatoes if I so desire it. I had decided to come back to school last year when I realized that even though I loved staying home during the day with my daughter, there was more for me to do in this world. I want my daughter to know that there is nothing she can't do if it means that much to her; that there are no limitations when you have discovered your true path. Therefore, yes I spend a lot of time being slightly less than energetic, spending a lot of time completing school work to maintain my 4.0 GPA, potty training my two-year-old little girl, spending time with my wonderful husband and family, and working. Even though a Bachelor's degree in Nutrition Science is a wonderful accomplishment, my deep passion for this science and helping people use their diet to heal them, I have recently decided that I will pursue a Master's degree as well to become a dietician. Conclusively, as I had initially stated, my life is both blessed and hectic, and I don't think that I would change a thing about it. My family is both happy and healthy, and even though there are always obstacles that just can't help to present themselves, each time we overcome one, it brings us closer together.